deutsche Version >>>
Mittelalterliches Stadtpanorame Regensburg
Stich Stadt Ratisbona
Related links
Useful links
Interesting things to do

Related links :

- Regensburg's Jewish community
- Stolpersteine ("Stumbling blocks" a project of the artist Gunter Demnig)
- Stumbling blocks in Regensburg
- Young people concerned with the jewish history in regensburg
- ARGE ehemaliges KZ Flossenbuerg e.V.
(working group on the former concentration camp Flossenbuerg)
- NS-Dokumentationszentrum Cologne
- Transiturs - Guided Tours about Jewish life and history in Nuremberg and Munich


 Blick von Steinerne Brücke Richtung Dom
Altes Rathaus zu Regensburg
Geschäftsstrasse Ludwigsstrasse